First Presbyterian Church
Worship Services
We would love to have you join us.
"I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the House of the Lord"' we read in Psalm 122. Worship is at the heart of who we are at First Presbyterian Church. We worship in order to be strengthened to go into the world to serve, both individually and collectively. We worship in our pursuit to grow closer to our Lord and Saviour through song, prayer, scritpure, sermon and the Lord's Supper.
We are currently holding one service each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Locations alternate most Sundays between the Fellowship Hall (contemporary) and the Sanctuary (traditional). (As you face the sanctuary, the fellowship hall is the building to the left.) The contemporary service is more casual,and features a praise band which leads the worship with contemporary praise songs or old hymns sung in new ways. The services in the Sanctuary are a bit more tradtional but casual dress is welcome. Music may include hymns, choir anthems and solos by our talented organist.
At 11:00AM we celebrate worship in our beautiful sancutary in a more traditional style. The chancel choir, accompanied by our organist Allen Lloyd leads worship with many of the great hymns of the church. The sermon is preached from the pulpit and hymns sung from the hymn book both honoring and praising God. Some, not all, "dress-up"; some men wear a tie while others wear a polo shirt. Simply said, at either service, wear whatever is comfortable for you.
During the summer months we meet at 10:00AM, alternating between the contemporary service in the fellowship hall and traditional service in the sanctuary.
There is child care available at both services and a moment with children during worship at both services.